It feels a bit embarrassing to write about our cats in this blog that has a main focus on dance, the moving body and teaching and learning. Anyways, I dare it and it won’t be too long …

I am not really an animal person. I like the animalistic part of the moving human body, it’s juicyness, it’s lack of hesitation and it’s clear gut-intentions. I like to see animals in the ‘wild’, or at least outside without being fenced in. My wife and my boy love animals, also pets, and I love my wife and my boy. So we have two cats since two years. And I like them surprisingly much. Read more

I am running with my boy through an autumn forest on a winding path, that is covered with freshly fallen leaves. Suddenly my left foot gets caught behind a little root. Time will slow down very soon.

Later on I will be amazed how much can go through my head and emotional body in one second and how much it can keep me busy after this second has been long past. I am not 100 % sure if this experience is so appropriate on this blog, but I enjoyed the freshness and quirkiness of it so much that I felt like sharing it anyway. Read more

Lately I got my calf and knee problems under control and now I can run again. I love it! After not being able to run for 7 years and not really practicing for another 15 years this feels amazing. A very basic sense of aliveness rises up in these runnings with a flavour of freedom and capability. It is not so easy to figure out what touches me so deeply. There is nothing super special, it is just running, I can do it or leave it, doesn’t really matter. But what does matter? – from those things that go beyond pure survival … Read more

For an outside eye watching contact improvisation is usually very irritating. How can people touch each other in this way without sexual intentions? Read more

Contact Jams are partly misunderstood as spaces, where people do whatever they feel like. That’s one reason why many advanced contacters, who’d like to practice Contact Improvisation, don’t go to jams very much. But there is no copyright on the form, no binding definition of what it is. So, what is it?
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